Clementine was given her name because she was such a purrfectly round ball of fluff! And for a feral kitten, she was surprisingly sweet, and really wanted to be given love by her people. She's amazing with other cats, (not uncommon in cats coming from a 40+ cat colony) and with small dogs as well. She's also good with children, as long as they don't steamroll her. She can be a bit cautious with new people, but is the sweetest little snuggebutt with her chosen humans!
If you're looking for the fluffiest fluff that ever did fluff, Clementine is the sweetie for you.
Estimated Birthday: December 22, 2019
If you're looking for the fluffiest fluff that ever did fluff, Clementine is the sweetie for you.
Estimated Birthday: December 22, 2019