Wisteria was the runt of her litter, and if weren't for the kindness of the folks who's trailer she was born under, she never would have made it. Now that she's grown a bit, and is stronger, she's an amazing kitten!
She's great with other cats, and likes to play pounce on their tails. She's an absolute snuggle bug, and wakes her foster parent up by licking their face until snuggles ensue.
She's still a little nervous of new people, but forms a beautiful bond with anyone she claims as her own.
If you want Wisteria to climb on you forever, adopt her today!
Estimated Birthday: June 18, 2022
She's great with other cats, and likes to play pounce on their tails. She's an absolute snuggle bug, and wakes her foster parent up by licking their face until snuggles ensue.
She's still a little nervous of new people, but forms a beautiful bond with anyone she claims as her own.
If you want Wisteria to climb on you forever, adopt her today!
Estimated Birthday: June 18, 2022